Our NDIS Programs

Explore how NDIS funds can unlock impactful and flexible skill development for your child through The Kids Coach program’s innovative video-based therapy sessions.

The Kids Coach

How can NDIS funds be used for The Kids Coach program?

The Kids Coach program is designed as a unique model of therapy for upskilling children in a series of on-demand video sessions. Unlike traditional interventions, our program is conducted in the child’s natural environments, providing the best opportunity for skill development through repeated practice across comfortable settings. 

We offer videos with visual guides, exercise sessions and tools to ensure that both the child and their supports can effectively implement these interventions without barriers, similar to 1:1 clinic sessions but with greater value for money, ability to repeat as needed and potential for impact.

Our programs, developed by an experienced occupational therapist, are targeted and goal-driven online training and interventions, designed to be implemented in the home environment. To support participants in measuring and tracking their progress, we offer the option for outcome reports for all programs. This innovative and unique intervention allows access to therapeutic videos regardless of location, participant preferences, access capacity, or barriers to face-to-face sessions.

Using capacity building or core budgets:

The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2023-24 detail the various funding categories that can be included in a participant’s NDIS plan. Currently, we invoice The Kids Coach program through either capacity building or core funding categories. The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2023-24 provide specific guidelines regarding these categories:

Capacity Building: this support category includes assessment supports, training supports, strategy development supports, and therapeutic supports to assist the development of, or to increase, a participant’s skills and their capacity for independence and community participation.

Core Supports: this support category relates to assisting with, or supervising, personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including the participant’s own home.

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How do we meet the NDIS Reasonable and Necessary Criteria?

As a provider of NDIS services, we are mindful of the operational guidelines and reasonable and necessary criteria. We advise that when selecting a program, guardians must ensure the program aligns with the goals of the child’s NDIS plan. If guardians are unsure, they can contact us to discuss.

The NDIS funds reasonable and necessary supports. These supports are those that will help participants: 

Pursue their goals, objectives and aspirations

The program assists children to pursue their goals, objectives and aspirations, including how The Kids Coach program is designed to be goal-driven skill development programs for engaging within the home environment, utilising the therapeutic and evidence-based power of physical movement. Common NDIS participant goals such as the development of daily living skills, motor skills, executive function, ability to follow instructions, and maintaining attention to complete tasks are at the centre of the planning and design of The Kids Coach program. Check to see that your participant’s goals, objectives, and aspirations align with the goals and outcomes of The Kids Coach program to ensure an appropriate fit. Outcome measures and reports are embedded as part of The Kids Coach programs.

Increase their independence

The Kids Coach program helps to build a participant’s independence, function, and capacity by developing the skills mentioned above. It assists them in practising and honing these skills in their home environment, providing the opportunity for repeated practice in a familiar setting. This approach allows participants to build their physical and psychosocial skills, thereby continuing to progress their overall development and wellbeing, ultimately leading to improved independence and capacity in daily function.

Increase community and workplace participation and develop their capacity to actively take part in the community

The Kids Coach program includes secondary skill-building components that enhance a participant’s ability to engage with their community. By offering opportunities to build confidence and independence, particularly in physical, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial skills, the program ultimately increases the participant’s capacity to interact with the outside world.

Enjoy an ordinary life

The program assists children to enjoy an ordinary life, including The Kids Coach program supporting participants to develop everyday, ordinary skills such as engaging in physical activity, relaxation activities, and having fun. Our program provides participants with formal and informal supports, tools, education, and resources to help them experience, develop, and enjoy these ordinary life experiences that many of us simply take for granted.


NDIS Reasonable and necessary supports:

Must be related to a participant’s disability

The Kids Coach program is designed to support people with disabilities to work toward their goals. Please review the goals of each program on our website to ensure the program you select is related to your participant’s personal goals.

Must not include day-to-day living costs not related to your disability support needs, such as groceries

The Kids Coach program does not include day-to-day living costs. Our programs are designed to teach and scaffold participants through a series of skills to improve and develop their abilities and capacities in the home and community environment utilising the videos in the program.

The on-demand resources that accompany our programs provide participants with the opportunity to practice and repeat skills in their everyday life and familiar settings, resulting in a higher likelihood of achieving outcomes and goals over time. Evidence indicates that repetition of skills in the home environment is a significant precursor for successful skill development and sustained outcomes, leading to improved outcomes for skill transfer in both the home and community.


Increase community and workplace participation and develop their capacity to actively take part in the community

The Kids Coach program has secondary skill-building aspects that develop a participant’s capacity to actively take part in their community by providing them with opportunities to build their confidence, self-esteem, functional capacities and independence, which in turn is likely to result in an increased capacity to interact with the outside world in their community.

Should represent value for money

The Kids Coach program represents significant value for money as it includes an online program with on-demand access, adaptive resources to support ongoing practice of skills in the home environment, and pre- and post-outcome measures presented in a final outcome report. Investing a few therapy hours in a program delivered to the participant’s home, which includes outcome measures and an outcome report, accessible formats, and the resources needed to repeatedly implement the program into everyday life, represents positive innovation in the NDIS space and value for money. The Kids Coach program up-skills participants, sometimes with the involvement of their families, carers, and support workers. The program facilitates the repeated practice of skills, helping to increase confidence, self-esteem, and mastery, thereby making the participant feel more valued and confident in their abilities.

Must be likely to be effective and work for the participant

The Kids Coach program is grounded in evidence-based methodology and structure, which has been proven effective for achieving outcomes for children, including demonstrated measurable improvements in participant abilities, while qualitative feedback from parents and guardians highlighting a wide variety of improvements in skills, capacity, and overall ability. We are confident that, when implemented as outlined in our service agreement and communications, and with appropriate support aligned with the participant’s personal goals, The Kids Coach program is likely to provide effective opportunities for skill development.

The Kids Coach -

Our fun filled programs -

Convenient for Everyone

Press play to access on-demand videos, anywhere, anytime.

Engage Kids

Crafted with love by an expert duo – an occupational therapist and a kids’ fitness instructor – our platform is a universe of fun, development, and inclusivity.

Empower Kids

A safe and supportive program for children of all abilities to build their confidence, grow their skills and thrive.

Improve Fitness

Gain access to a treasure a trove of guided exercises, where every child finds their stride.

the kids coach

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